
Create your own unique style of Art ... Be Unique ... Be yourself............. The Combination of Vision, Creativity and Imagination Can Give Birth to an Art That Few Are Able to Create or Imagine ... Which is Unlike Any-other ...... Unique and one of a kind like Ourself .... Many Wonders of our Imagination and things We Are Capable of Creating when our Thoughts, Vision, Imagination and creditability Take Over Our Soul.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Tree of My Past.

Sitting in this empty room swearing at my miss deeds, Trying to put it down in paper which takes a form of it own, Out of the blues it reminds me of something that was really close to my heart, Something I had seen before, I start to think, about all the things I have seen till now, This single image takes me way back to the place where it all began, So in my head I travel  back in time to that particular moment where it all began as a kid growing up in a small village, A normal kid growing up in a normal society filled with people with character and ones without it too.....A small village indeed........Forest at the back ground and paddy fields in the front, A village covered in a blanket of greens,  Where everyone knew everybody who was living there and they knew me too.
As I continue to  think along, going with the flow of my own thoughts....One picture keeps repeating again and again, A shape, A strange shape, A shape of a strange tree we used to play under, The tree which had a long history, The Tree that was there before the villager came, Before the first house came.

I like to think that the tree had a lot to say if he is given the power of speech, The tree had seen history when it was made, Thinking about the tree made me return to that place.
 To my village, Where the tree still stands as it used to, Everything has changed, Everything around.....even me. I have grown into a man but when I look at it the tree it looked the same, it had the same feel to it, After all this years that has passed along its path, The tree stands taller then ever, I sit where I sat as a kid, On its biggest root coming out of the ground and I start to put down my feelings in paper in a form of an image trying to capture my life in one simple image. Just then i think to myself "where do i start?". I was lost for a while but as i sat there in complete peace, Things start flowing out of my imagination, things that only I can see, All things that I have made it, The images that i have created in all the years I have lived in happiness and in sorrows the feelings that I had to endure to get to the place where i m now.
 Loss of Friends and the loss of my Love made a picture of its own, Thinking about the thing I have been blessed with and the second chance I have been given to lead a better life draws another picture of it s own, Looking back at my life I could only come up with one image that can sum up my life in a perfect picture, the image that was in my head all this time, the image that brought me back to this place, the perfect image is the TREE that stood the test of time and yet again stands tall.
Like the tree I have seen time pass me, Seen people come and go, some took refuge in my friendship but some left before the break of dawn, the love i had, like the water to the tree, Has nurtured me to be the person I am today, No matter what happened around I stood tall like the tree, Tall and strong filled with character and joy of being alive,i had seen my share of history thats been made, I had seen my life as the tree did but i never forgot where my root was founded on.
The tree tough me a lot about my life even if he haven't said a word, That was the power of an image, The power of a picture,The message in it.
That my friends is the power of a simple IMAGE, The only thing that can bring back all that you have lost, People may not be with me but i will always have their Picture or the image that i have drawn being with the ones that was close to my heart, That are the IMAGES that i will carry to the very end of my time,
Of  this life I  am wondering.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

beauty of life.: What are my TATTOO to Me?????

beauty of life.: What are my TATTOO to Me?????

Live Now; Plan Later
Only "GAWD" knows if theres anymore tomorrow
Day are Numbered make the best use of it
While we still have Today

Finding his inner wings to free his feeling and his soul.
(Karma Dendrup tattooed by sonamd)
             Lifes beautiful
If you can find the balance between
                           Love and Hate
Peace and War
                     Good and Bad....
So on and so forth
                     Live it right
Treat it right
Life will be good to you too.
                " Peace Out "

Monday, July 11, 2011

iamDrukpa: To His Majesty the King – In Gratitude

iamDrukpa: To His Majesty the King – In Gratitude
article by : Tashi Pelyang Lhendrup. ( a.k.a-Kasha)

Live Now; Plan later
Only " GOD " knows if theres any more tomorrows!

iamDrukpa: Dudesim=Buddhism. Posted by Sam Mowe

iamDrukpa: Dudesim=Buddhism. Posted by Sam Mowe

Live Now; Plan Later
Only " GOD " knows if theres anymore tomorrows.
Days are numbered
Better make the best use of it
while we still have today.

Friday, July 1, 2011

What are my TATTOO to Me?????

Alone in my own room as I lay on my back  .......  Its Dark and Cold outside,  but inside its just me with my own thoughts,  Surrounded by the memories of my Past that has been edged under my skin  (Tattoo)  with the color as dark as a night without a moon,  I take a closer look at my hands and at that moment the line of my own tattoo starts to show,  Even in such darkness I can see the Ink under my skin.  So I get out of my bed and turn on the lights,  As I turn around,  I look at my TATTOOs in the mirror  ....  All the memories just comes flashing,   As if it happened just a moment ago, 
And my thought takes me way back to the place where my life and everything started,  As I turn my back I see the tattoo of Stars pinched under my skin,  which I did it as a Tribute to my long lost friend all who passed away before their time,  The cost I had to pay for using Drugs and Misdeeds of my past,  The weight of all that lost in my life is getting very heavy deep in my heart,  And I say to myself  ....  " I did the crime,  Now I must do the time"   As i look at the tattoos  and  say this to myself  .....  Soon  .....  Sonam  ...  Soon  ...  My time will also come to get me too,  The time will come for me to Rejoin with my old Friends on the other side,  But till  the day comes  .....  The TATTOOS I have will give me strength to make my way through thick and thin,  I know as long as I live and have the TATTOOS I know I am never alone,  They are my friends looking down upon me or who knows they may be partying down in Hell with the Devil  himself ,
But until then my friends  .... 

***Rest in Peace***
* star of eight for my long lost friends waiting on the other side *

     As I continue gazing  upon my other Tattoo  .......  I can see a  " PEACE "  sign  (also tattooed by JURMI .  P) and right below it is a calligraphic symbol which stands for  " LOVE "  which we did it in the good memory of that particular time and moment in my life,  but nothing in this world goes according to what we think  .... like it has been said  " All good Thing must come to an end "  ...  i take this as how its meant to be  .......

* love *
* far but never alone, always here  *
 Months,  Days,  Time,  People,  Dreams and the World may have passed me by but the tattoos still remains along with it the memories  ...  Two life long friend I am sure I will never loose (tattoo and memories).
Sometimes my tattoos help me to move on and brings out the best in me,  But at times it acts like the Catalyst fueling up my Anger and Rage  But
mostly reminds me of who I am  ......
tattoo by : Jurmi . P (* Peace * )

This is  where I Am Now....
 This is who I Am  .... 
This is what I Am
And this is what I do best
I am  sonam dorji  ( a . k . a  :  Brother John )

   ** PEACE OUT **


Monday, June 27, 2011


i am Brother John

This is What I Love  ........

Live now ......
Plan Later ....
Only GOD Knows Werther Theres  Any More Tomorrows   .....

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Thought about Drawing Cartoons.... :)

Back in the old days when we used to be kids, I clearly remember the first cartoon I ever watched was TOM n JERRY and it was back in late 1980`s, During those old days our house was the only house that had television. Everyone of my friends used to gather and watch the series together and used to have a blast hanging out but  those days are long gone now just like that a flash, And now cartoons are everywhere on tv,on the internet and also in news papers, comics and of course in the minds of every human being in this world.
Cartoon has come a long way from what it used to be in Bhutan compared to those old days, It has taken a very important place in the present news papers, It became a medium from where we can convey some form of  messages which can built a strong government but some times to break one down at time, and also to send out messages to the public about whats happening in and around their environment and to create awareness.

                Now we can see a lot of different types cartoon and different subjects of drawing a cartoon, for eg; Gothic, Emo, and so on.......but the most powerful cartoons can be seen on news papers which when you look at it has a certain message to it and most of the time it means business(eg: the cartoon above that illustrates on war).
But looking at the brighter side of cartoon, It can also bring smiles on the faces of millions and also can some times help someone in the own personal way, like....... to get someone to like you or to say i m sorry, but in  my own personal way...i use cartoon to show a my sisters how much i care for them and to let them know that i ll always be here when ever they r in need of someone....

this is the cartoon that i ve send out my two loving sisters to show them that i ll always make them smile as much and as long as i can.
people grow up but the concept of cartoons will never leave us in this life time nor will we forget that we have something that can bring smiles on others faces, let it be a complex mix media or a simple line drawing of a figure cartoon. 
Art in any form was and will always be around us now and next time when you are somewhere....anywhere just take a closer look and pay attention to the surrounding you ll always come across a cartoon or some form of art, And who knows someone must be drawing some form of cartoon to express what you really mean to him/ watch might be next to get or to draw a cartoon. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Old That Became The New

The old form of Art that our fathers before us learned from their fathers before them too, that has shape the New Generation Art,which has a very unique style that have been developing throughout the country starting from the far east  to the modernized west of this present  Bhutan,old form of art sounders the walls and the items thats has been used in our day to day life, you name any item that we use, if you take few seconds and look at whats in your hand or in front of you, you will defiantly come across some art work, the buildings around us is a old style of art that was passed down and stood the test of time, 
and now finally the new era of the young artist has struck like lightning to take over the present time, in the country we like to call Bhutan, we are all human being  and we always believed in taking things to the "NEXT LEVEL" and now since the starting of art has already started long before we were born but now since we are the ones that have to take up where our fathers left out and to fuse it with the new way of  reception of art to the old skool art, where its a long process but the fruits that at the end of this long journey theres always a reward of your hard work in the form of better understanding of our roots and the changes that you alone can bring to the improvement and bringing a new dynamic to his art of ours and of course and the knowledge of knowing  what few get to know art and see the  things few can only  only dream about. 
The picture in this article shows the long way we have came to get where art stand in this present time, the uniqueness of the panting and old traditional images that have stood the test of and still standing strong .....continue learning for the Masters of old skool, so that we can continue doing it with our concept and also to leave our mark on the vast subjects of Art and to start a NEw GENERATION OF CREATOR  and New batch of ARTIST in this 21st century.